Thursday, April 12, 2012

Late Night Take Out and Other Things I'll Miss About Being Pregnant

If we happen to be friends on facebook, you'll know how impatient I am for this nameless little girl to be born. However, I really do love being pregnant and have been blessed with two easy pregnancies so there are a few things I'll miss.

The Food
While I don't think a pregnancy is license to eat anything and everything (Jessica Simpson, take note) it's definitely a pretty good excuse to give into cravings you normally wouldn't (like ordering take-out curry noodles late on a Tuesday night).

Baby Kicks
Yes, your baby will kick and turn over and smile and do way more stuff once it's out in the world but then it will be for everyone to see. The baby kicks during pregnancy are just for the mama (especially in my case since it freaks out my husband) and i love them.  

Time Alone
I have a three year old and a husband so my time alone is fairly limited but I do have some. Adam goes to work, Reed goes to school and every now and again I sneak off for a pedicure and a chick flick all alone. With little girl arriving fairly soon, I won't have any time alone for a good long while. Of course, once she's actually old enough for me to leave and partake of said pedicure and matinee, I'll probably be so emotional that I won't enjoy it (the first time anyways. Emotions fade and my toes need some love).

My Big Ole Belly
In a few weeks or so I'll only be down a few pounds but it won't be nearly as adorable. As hard as it is to dress a pregnant belly, it's even harder to dress a postpartum body, particularly if you're breastfeeding. 

I'm sure in the weeks and months after this little girl makes her arrival, I'll be nostalgic for other things about my pregnancy but for now, I can't wait to meet her. 

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